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Photos in Slideshow

Although I'm just using tiny "thumbnail" pictures to indicate which picture/link below is which, the actual pictures you can download here are medium sized files. If you right-click and "save target as" [as opposed to "save picture as"], you can download whichever ones you want.

Mom's High School picture - December, 1941

Mom's College picture - 1946

Mom & Pop's Wedding portrait - 1946

The Wedding Party - 1946

Mom at Redrocks, Lake Champlain - 1950

The Family - January 1, 1955

Mom & Matt [1 day old] - April 24, 1962

Mom & the last 4 kids - 1970 or so

Mom, Pop, Memére Hébert & the last 4 kids - 1974

The Family - 1983

40th Wedding Anniversary - June 29, 1986

50th Wedding Anniversary - June 29, 1996

Mom & Pop at the Hébert Family reunion - July 4, 1999

Mom, Geoff & Family, & Matt at Epcot - January, 2000

Mom, Louise, Matt, & Judy - June, 2000

Mom, Matt & Órla in Ireland - August 1, 2000

Leola Isabelle Brown Hébert

August 1, 1924 - September 5, 2003

Cherished in Our Loving Memory

Some pictures I have of Mom


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Right-click this link, then "save target as"

This is a zipped set of files and folders. You should extract them to a place on your hard drive with winzip, then find the file called "leola.exe" which will run the slideshow. You don't need PhotoJam installed to use this version, but even zipped it's pretty big.


I've decided to work through some of the [mostly] childhood memories I have that include Mom, and I'm posting them up here. I don't take the proper time for revision so the quality will be uneven. I pretty much just write them, immediately read them through for huge gaps of logic or grammar or spelling, then post them up here. The entire process takes a couple hours out of an evening. I should really read them for a sense of style or continuity or whatever, but I don't. These aren't the easiest things for me to do, and it wouldn't be very comfortable to stretch them out over the course of a week. I don't think Órla or the girls would like me much if I did that, either.

You're welcome to read them, of course, but don't feel you have to or that I would expect you to. I have them here for me, mostly. I think that they might be of some possible interest to my girls at some point, and this website is my form of family shoebox where all the little odds and ends go that feel like they have meaning at the time.

I will add to them as I can. I think I have identified about 40 little things, and I only have a few written so far. Some of them are stories, which are easier to write and read, I suppose. Some of them have no plot, either because they were single events or because they can't be defined by actual events at all. I'm sorry if this makes some of them a bit vague and hard to follow. Perhaps I'll live long enough to edit and revise them more carefully.

A Thing That is Seldom is Wonderful

The Foot Race

Ivan the Beautiful

Merry Christmases

Home Sick